The last two years have been tumultuous. The disruptions from the COVID pandemic have worsened existing economic disparities, political divisions and racial tensions. Some have lost faith in “the system” and are re-thinking their priorities and revising their plans. Economists predict we will see the “Great Resignation” in 2022, with 30-40% of those employed voluntarily changing jobs because their previous job has proven unsatisfactory. And, who knows if inflation is here to stay? Or, what the ramifications of the 2022 election will be. Even the smartest among us are baffled.
Jesus predicted that tough times were ahead, with wars, famines and earthquakes just the beginning. He foresaw imprisonment for some of His disciples and turmoil in Mother Nature.
So what was His advice for us? “Stay awake.” Keep alert. Stay at our posts. Don’t get distracted; focus on deepening our love for God and being sensitive to the needs of our neighbors.
One of the ways you can “stay awake” is to be intentional about your giving to Trinity Downtown in 2022. Living a life of intentional generosity is healthy, and God’s people have been doing it for thousands of years. Scripture is filled with accounts of how God blesses individuals and families who offer to Him the first and best of what they receive. A commitment to the Lord is part of our joyful response to His love for us through Jesus Christ and His generous support for all that we need to sustain our lives here on earth.
Your faithful generosity will strengthen your faith and expand the ability of Trinity Downtown to make a difference in our community!