This weekend at Trinity Downtown, we’ll continue our exploration of the New Testament book of Acts and learn how Paul listened to God and continued to carry out the mission of spreading the Gospel despite being misunderstood, falsely accused and warned from continuing.
Come join us this Sunday as we learn how we can listen and hear God’s will for our lives.
● October 13th is our annual Oktoberfest Celebration starting at 11:30 AM. Volunteers are still needed, especially with take down and cleanup. You can use this link within TCB to sign up here
● Oktoberfest is when we begin fundraising for our three youth summer trips, the LCMS Youth Gathering, the high school mission trip and middle school mission trip. We are going to bring back Pie Face but this year the folks in the hot seat are a little different. Buy tickets to see Pastor Lonnie, Haley Davisson or Rebecca Castillo get a whip cream pie to the face! Tickets are $2 a piece which you can purchase at a table in the foyer or you can donate to Pie Face under the 2024-2025 Youth Stock Subscription.
● Trunks ‘n’ Treats is on Friday October 25th. Over 175 volunteers are needed for the success of this community wide event. U Use the QR code in the graphic below to sign up. Donations of candy for the event are now being received in the boxes in the gathering space and foyer.
● Join with us to thank Ron Lacy for his 11 years of service to Trinity. There will be a celebration and reception for Ron’s retirement on Sunday Oct. 27th in the gathering space after the service. Cake will be served and there will be baskets available for cards and well wishes.
● Membership Class continues this Sunday at 10:15 am in room 123 (Pastor Dorn’s office)